Thank you for your interest in using "My INTER". We will guide you step by step through the individual points of the online registration.
Have you already gained access to "My INTER"?
Forgot your password?
Use our password help to reset your password. It is not necessary to register again.
password help
1. Online erneut registrieren
Zur Identifizierung geben Sie bitte Ihre persönlichen Daten auf der Seite ein.
2. Confirm your e-mail address
After the registration we are going to send you an e-mail (if necessary please check your spam folder). This mail contains a link, which you confirm by clicking on it.
3. Wait for the letter with your activation code
After confirming your e-mail adress, we are going to send you a letter with your activation code.
4. Activate your account
Activate your account with the activation code, we sent you by letter.
1. Register online
To create a user account, please fill in your personal data on this page.
2. Confirm your e-mail address
After the registration we are going to send you an e-mail (if necessary please check your spam folder). This mail contains a link, which you confirm by clicking on it.
3. Wait for the letter with your activation code
After confirming your e-mail adress, we are going to send you a letter with your activation code.
4. Activate your account
Activate your account with the activation code, we sent you by letter.