Notification according to section 28, paragraph 4 VVG on the consequences of breaches of contractual obligations
Obligation of information and disclosure
After the occurence of the insured event, we can demand full disclosure on necessary information to identitfy the insured event or to state our contractual liability, according to the contractual ageerement with you (obligation of information). Furthermore, we need you to provide us with all the necessary information to clarify the state of affairs and to examine our duty to provide benefits appropiately (obligation of disclosure). Additional, we can ask you to provide reiceipts for us, as far you can be reasonably expected to do so.
Freedom of claims
In case you are, contrary to the contractual agreement, either holding back information, intentional making any false statements or intentional holding back receipts we demanded, you will lose your right for insurance benefit. In case of grossly negligent violence of the contractual obligation, you will not lose the whole right for insurance benefit, but we can reduce our reimbursement in proportion of your culpability. If you can proof, that there has been no gross negligence hurt of the obliagtions, there will be no reduction of payment. Despite of any violation of the obligation according to information, disclosure and the procurement of receipts, we stay obligated to pay, if you can proof, that the violation of obligation has not been causal to the examination of the insured event or the extent of the damage and its payment. In case of fraudulent violation of the obligations to information, disclosure and the procurement of receipts, we will free from our liability to pay in any case.
If another party than you enjoys the right of the contractual insurance service, this party is obligated to fulfil the obligation of information, disclosure and procurement of receipts.